Acumatica The Cloud ERP

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Drive selling behavior
Drive selling behavior

Develop and distribute strategic incentive compensation plans at scale to drive the right sales outcomes for your global workforce.

Empower your selling force with dashboards and mobile experience where they can experience their progress as it happens.

Increase incentive compensation ROI
Increase incentive compensation ROI

Unlock insights with rich analytics and leverage creativity to improve plan performance without third-party business intelligence software.

Analyze Sales vs commissions using Dashboards and Microsoft Excel Pivot Tables

Reduce risk, payment errors, and comp disputes
Reduce risk, payment errors, and comp disputes

Eliminate overpayments and resolve compensation inquiries in seconds with one-click traceability. Every commission transaction has a link to its originating transaction and incentive rules.

4 Minutes Intro to the Module

End-to-End Commission Management

Acumatica Commissions Conductor empowers sales management to design, track and pay multi-tier direct and indirect commission plans for all types of salespeople, multiple levels of management, and teams — including external contractors and organizations.

It offers a sophisticated, comprehensive, and flexible rule management system that can be configured for the most advanced commission systems.

Pay Commissions On Almost Anything

Commissions Conductor allows companies to use almost any source metric they desire to pay commissions.

Clients can specify inventory items or classes, entries from general ledger, or actions from the CRM, Services, or Projects module.

These metrics can be filtered by Branches, Territories, or even specific Accounts or Customers.

Pay Commissions On Almost Anything

Fully Flexible, Multi-Tier Sliding Scales

Pay commission or bonuses based on ANY Source Metric, Including:

  • Revenue, margin, or quantity
  • On sales or amounts or actions (such as calls made, bookings, opportunity to close ratios, etc.)
  • From internal or external CRM, Project modules, Customer Service, or other API service application.
  • Set tiered commission percentages or bonus amount for infinite levels of sales achievement around each Incentive.

Easily design sales complex overrides up a management hierarchy. Calculate indirect commissions that are due to managers and executives from sales at the field level.

On each Source Metric, Acumatica Commissions Conductor provides an intuitive interface to:

  • Set commission rules on multiple tiers
  • Customize different tier structures for every level of the payment hierarchy.
  • This allows you to design the commission percentage or bonus amount for infinite levels of sales achievement around each incentives

Use multiple targets and goals to motivate your team.

  • Create quotas, targets, and milestones for each incentive (or group of incentives) for each person in the system.
  • Use success on one metric as a trigger to alter commission rates on another incentive.
  • Set incentives on groups of metrics that impact the individual metrics that make them up.
Fully Flexible, Multi-Tier Sliding Scales

Detailed Commission Reports

Automated or on-demand inquiries give the salesperson and management, role-based daily access to up-to-date actual and projected earnings for every incentive down to the line item, including past payment periods.

It allows management to monitor progress on all incentive metrics, including tracking performance against quotas and targets over time. Perfect for use with Acumatica dashboards to visualize momentum for motivation and optimal activity planning.

Detailed Commission Reports Detailed Commission Payments

No More Import/Export

Importing, organizing, and exporting data to external commission systems, especially spreadsheets, is time consuming and prone to mistakes.
Businesses are at a much higher risk of overpaying and/or wasting resources. every month with commission disputes.

With your incentive commission management integrated into your Acumatica system, you’ll now be able to access your sales commission data in real time, without relying on staff to import transactions from another system, or from spreadsheets.

No More Import/Export

Avoid and Resolve Disputes Quickly

Commission Conductor delivers the integration and scalability required to allow sales management to automate their entire commission process so they can focus on improving sales performance.

Non-integrated systems like spreadsheets, or third party software can result in confusing commission payments.

When your sales people can drill down into the exact transaction and line item for all of their commission payments, they’ll develop more trust in the system, more trust in your payouts, which can virtually eliminate shadow accounting and commission disputes (which is time consuming for you and your sales people)

This means they can spend more time selling and less time in disputes.

SOX – ASC606 Compliant

With more disclosure required for your sales commission accounting, traceability and full auditability is crucial. Keeping your sales commissions within Acumatica automates the entire process of accurate commission accounting.
Both the manager and the salesperson have accurate, integrated, and detailed data to resolve disputes in minutes – or even before they happen.

Every commission is linked to the transactions associated with it down to the line level and can be drilled down quickly, making investigations a matter of a few clicks.

What our clients say about us and Commissions Conductor


As PennAir continues to grow, so do our needs. SymFinTek is more than willing to expand upon current capabilities to meet us as at our growing points, proving to be a valuable resource. Incentive Conductor meets PennAir’s demand for complex, customizable, and flexible commission programs. Deyban and Jorge, of SymFinTek, provide highly responsive and great customer service. They truly care about what we need, and go above and beyond to make sure all our requirements are met.

Velkly, Eric – CTO | PennAir

DSD Business Systems

“In order to solve a complex commission structure, we implemented SymFinTek utilizing their team. As a group, we were effectively able to implement the SymFinTek solution. Their team is professional, responsible and have a high commitment to making things happen in the best way possible including incorporating specific client needs into the standard product offering. It was a pleasure to work with them.”

Phillip E Marotta, CPA | Senior Acumatica Consultant

Papini Accessories

“I worked with the team implementing a new Commissions module for our ERP system at Papini Trading. We are very pleased with the quality of the software and the synergy the guys put into the project. Going beyond their responsibilities and driving us through aside topics where we needed guidance. They were diligent and efficiently accommodating our particular needs. Their after sales service and support is remarkable, the team was always available whenever help was needed, their troubleshooting advice is expert level. Thank you to the SymfinTek team for taking away the pain of manual commission calculations”

Riona Naiker | CIO

Commissions Are an Expensive Investment. Make Sure You're Getting Your ROI.

Tracking and Managing them within Acumatica gives you more control, transparency and trust.

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